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In a warm, non-judgmental way, I help women navigate out of the overly-complicated nutrition messages delivered through the diet industry and help them find, restore, and maintain trust in their own bodies. Grounded in evidence-based recommendations, I incorporate elements of Ayurveda in my practice to help individuals gain insight into their own unique make-up and constitution.

S E R V I C E  O N E

one-on-one wellness coaching

I work with women who are fed up with fad diets, suffering from nutrition information overload, or those looking for ways to improve their quality of life. I use a personalized 

approach to help women implement practices to support their body's own version of optimal health and re-learn how to trust their nutrition intuition.


My coaching packages include an comprehensive health & constitution assessment, follow-up coaching sessions​, and email support.

S E R V I C E  T W O

group wellness workshops

The support, insight, accountability,  and interactions we gain from our peers or community can be a powerful learning tool. From workplace wellness workshops in corporate settings to intimate groups of friends, I provide tailor-made workshops (individual or series) designed for group needs. 

S E R V I C E  T H R E E

food sensitivity testing & coaching

The Mediator Release Test (MRT) combined with the LEAP (Lifestyle Eating and Performance) protocol is designed to address chronic health conditions such as digestive issues, chronic pain and fatigue, migraines, and more. 


As a Certified LEAP Therapist, I coordinate food sensitivity testing & offer the associated nutrition support which includes a pre-assessment, initial results consult, meal and recipe planning, product suggestions, bi-weekly coaching sessions for 12 weeks, and email support.



©2022 Nutrition by McKenzie | website designed by Taylor Street Designs

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